Friday, January 29, 2010

Solar Panels 2013

Renewable Energy is the power of the future and we need to install Solar Panels in 2013 to help the environment and you pocket for the future.

Here is a FREE document you can view,it contains are two concerns,one is the financial side and secondly the environmental side.

Solar Energy

There is one source of energy that is always there. It can’t be turned off, and it won’t run out (at least they say it won’t for a few million years). This source of energy is the Sun.

The Sun emits a huge amount of solar energy constantly. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. All we have to do is harness that energy, turn it into electricity, and store it for when we need it.

If we could do that, we would have a virtually free source of energy that would allow us to either save a lot of money on our electric bill, or perhaps even get off ‘the grid’ altogether

Solar Panels

You can make homemade solar panel energy work for you. And you can do it regardless of where you live. Whether you live on an apartment, condo, or a regular house, you can find a system that will work for you. Look around online and there are many resources from guides that show you how to build and install your own system, to sources of materials and parts. You will smile when you see a drop in your utility bill at the end of the month!

If you are trying to find ways to make homemade solar panel energy you are doing a good thing. You should also research incentives the government may have available for you in the form of tax deductions for using alternative energy. You are also doing your part to help the environment by cutting down the use of fossil fuels, a major contributor to pollution. So, by generating some (or all) of your own energy, you save money and help the environmental cause as well. So you actually benefit everyone.

Solar Power allows some families to save thousands of dollars from their electric bill. Some businesses save even more passing this savings to customers allows more competition and lower prices.

Once installed the savings are permanent. The sun never actually goes out. These savings can be passed from generation to generation or owner to owner.

Solar power increases the value of homes and property.

Solar energy is the absolute greenest way to make electricity. Coal and nuclear have big environmental issues. Water turbines and wind mills have geographic restrictions.

Setting up solar panels can be a family project that teaches many of life's most important values.

For a Complete Proven Plan on a quick, easy, affordable Step by Step Solar Energy Installation You won't regret it, it will save you money.

Building Your Own Solar Panel

Are you ready to start your Project Solar Panel?

This is the information you will receive online and comes in the form of 6 separate parts as follows:

Part 1 - Introduction to Solar Energy

Part 2 - Building Your Solar Panel

Part 3 - Solar Help Package

Part 4 - Step by Step Video Instructions

Part 5 - Making a Wind Turbine Bonus

Part 6 - Extended Video Tuition Series

I found the course material was very straight forward to follow. The videos really helped. The first step was to organize the tools that I would need for the job. Most of these are regular shed tool items that I already had. Then I had to decide what size of solar panel and how many I wanted to build. I decided to build a small single panel as a test with the intention of scaling this up if it worked. I purchased most of the items required off e bay for less than $60. In no time at all it was built up and ready to test.

This one small easy to build Solar Panel that cost me a total of about $90, produces enough juice to power our large refrigerator in the garage. Now that I know it works and that I can easily build my own solar panels I am going to build more to create more free Electricity that is Eco Friendly. The best result is that it is now reducing my energy bills.

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